Notification: Events

Notifications are sent when incoming data triggers a unique event. Characteristics for event types is that they should be quite rare and specific. The model event is the “first ever seen” event, where a notification is sent when a domain is seen for the first time on a server.


# Name Type Required Description
1 event Integer yes Type of notification
2 sendtime Timestamp no Event time of transmission
3 name Bytestring yes The fully qualified domain name
4 type Int16 yes Query type
5 class Int16 no Query Class
6 rflags Int16 yes Response header flags
7 ttl Int32 no Resource record time-to-live
8 rdlength Int16 yes Length of RDATA
9 rdata Bytestring no Response data resource record
10 nsname Bytestring no Name of responding authoritative server
11 nsip IP address no IPv4 or IPv6 Address of responding authoritative server

Extensions for local use could include information about the querying client, but these are not privacy safe and should be confined to the local system owner.

# Name Type Description Required
12 client ip no Pseaudonymized client IP address
13 timestamp datetime no Client query time
14 qheader int16 no Request header flags