Edge-local DNS logs

These logs are the remainder after Edge DNSTAP minimize has removed queries marked for aggregation (or otherwise discarded). Currently the complete DNSTAP message with the IP address pseudonymised with CryptoPAn is stored locally at the Edge.

However, writing these logs is turned off by default as the local analysis engine is not fully implemented. Data will be tuned more closely to what is specifically needed as the local process evolves.


# Name Type Required Comment
1 recordtype Integer yes THe type of DNSTAP record
2 qtime Timestamp yes Query time
3 label0 Bytestring yes Top level domain name label (typically TLD, ccTLD or gTLD)
4 label1 Bytestring nullable Second domain name label
5 label2 Bytestring nullable iThird domain name label
6 label3 Bytestring nullable Fourth domain name label
7 label4 Bytestring nullable Fifth domain name label
8 label5 Bytestring nullable Sixth domain name label
9 label6 Bytestring nullable Seventh domain name label
10 label7 Bytestring nullable Eighth domain name label
11 label8 Bytestring nullable Ninth domain name label
12 label9 list<Bytestring> nullable Remaining domain name labels
13 datagram Bytestring yes The DNSTAP datagram field (effectively the complete DNS packet)